Parenting and self-love can co-exist!
February 25, 2023 | By Matina Singh
Parenting is the most complex job on this planet. Yet, it can be fun!
None of us got a ‘perfect’ parenting manual that we can follow and get a 100% guarantee that things will turn out for the best. Instead, we learn by trial and error.
When I left my marriage, I felt like I had failed in my marriage and that I couldn’t/shouldn’t fail at parenting now. So, I signed up for a local class to help me! This class gave me tools that I hadn’t thought of before, and they provided me with resources to deepen my knowledge.
One of the tools was Positive Parenting Solutions by Amy McCready. Once I signed up and went through the course, it gave me many tangible tools to do with my kids. The biggest game-changer for our family was the tool, ‘Special Time,’ where each child gets 10 minutes of undivided attention. During this time, I do an activity with them that THEY want to do.
Even though it has been years since I completed the course, their Battle-Tested Blueprints provide me with valuable tools and resources to use daily. And no, this is not only for younger kids! I am currently going through the topic “Fourteen talks by age of Fourteen.” This program also covers the topic “Divorce and Parenting Apart.”
I am sharing this resource because we all have been at a place where we doubt our parenting style and feel lost. Now, you don’t have to anymore! I genuinely think the information provided here has saved me enormous pain, and I want to pass this on to as many people as possible so they can grow too.
Another key lesson I learned in my healing journey is that I can’t show up for my children if I feel depleted and have no energy left at the end of the day. When I recognized that I was pushing myself to have patience in my work, with people outside our home but not for those I care for the most, I needed to make a change. This change wasn’t something I needed to do for others; I needed to show up for myself. I needed to love myself again!
Divorce can be challenging, and when we are emotionally depleted, there isn’t much we can offer our children. It becomes crucial to arm ourselves with tools to heal ourselves, feel less alone, and get the resources that can ACTUALLY help us.
When I read, “Self-love isn’t selfish,” I didn’t believe that! While growing up, it was all about pleasing others, not what I wanted. Making this shift was challenging to learn, but I am so blessed that I am adapting to this more and more. Now, I fully agree with this statement and help others see the value of it too.
I have been resourceful to become a better parent and love/value myself, and so can you!
Keep mastering your self-image so that your unique light can outshine the world!
With love and gratitude!
PS: I am not an affiliate for Positive Parenting Solutions. I just believe in this service!
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