Emotional Detox
February 18, 2023 | By Matina Singh
Have you ever heard of emotional detox? One where you aren’t suppressing your emotions but releasing them effectively. This is what Emotion Code does for me!
I came across Emotion Code through the documentary E-Motion 2.0 on Amazon Prime. After watching this, I bought the book Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson. He shares how our energy is affected by past experiences and how to release them.
This took me out of a vacuum and allowed me to live fully. Since then, I have done multiple releases for myself and given myself the freedom of the past.
Not only that, but I have also been able to do this work for my children, helping them to release negative emotions effectively. I call this my secret mom power. 😉
A few weeks ago, one of my dear clients said, “This is like an emotional detox. Everyone needs this from time to time!” When I heard this, I said YES, that is precisely what it is!
We all suppress our emotions, especially when it comes to traumatic experiences. Now, I have to say that what is traumatic for one doesn’t have to be traumatic for another person. It all depends on the circumstances and the meaning that we give things.
One of the most profound releases is the release of the heart wall. The best way to describe this wall is like layers of protection around your heart to save yourself from heartache. While the heart wall intends to protect, it harms us long-term. We can’t see the full potential of what life offers us in the present moment. Every time I have done a heart-wall release for my clients, they have experienced a new way of working through their emotions. Dr. Bradley Nelson says: “Sometimes eliminating the wall can make the difference between living a life of disappointment and living happily ever after.”
How do you know if you have a heart wall? Ask yourself, have you ever felt the need to ‘put up a wall’ to protect yourself in a negative situation? If you have, you have built an energetic wall to protect yourself. A heart wall can be an invaluable safety measure in the short term. In the long term, it is a lot like living underground and disconnected from the rest of the world. To prevent this, a release of the heart wall is crucial.
I feel blessed to have found this modality to help myself, my loved ones, and my clients. If you would love to hear more about the heart wall, reach out!
Keep mastering your self-image so that your unique light can outshine the world!
With love and gratitude!
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