10 Reasons why we suppress our emotions
May 25, 2023 | By Matina Singh
Isn't it wild that we are always busy chasing the next best thing, and it feels like slowing down is almost like a crime? It’s almost as if we slow down to pay attention to our environment, emotions, and what we want now - we lose control. Because is the present moment really all we can have, and are we even happy with it?
What is around us can seem overwhelming in a good or bad way. When things are good, some experience doubt creeping in, and thoughts like “This is too good to be true; when will the shoe drop?” overpower them. Others become grateful and expand their energy to appreciate what is present. Which perspective on life you hold depends on the patterns you have learned.
We can all choose the perspective we want to hold on to. Now, the ones who feel more gratitude also experience pain, yet they choose not to stay there. They expand their perspective by looking at the meaning and learning from the situation. How can you do that? Before we can even step into how, we will need to understand WHY we suppress our emotions in the first place.
These are the top 10 that I have learned so far:
- We were punished for our emotions when we were younger. We were told to stop crying or go to our room when we showed anger or frustration.
- We believe that if we acknowledge our emotions, they will get worse and make us feel inadequate.
- We believe we have NO control over our emotions; they just happen.
- We simply don’t know how to have a healthy emotional well-being.
- We don’t feel secure in our emotions, so we avoid them altogether.
- We believe the pain will be unbearable if we allow our emotions to take over.
- Others may perceive us as weak.
- Society won’t accept us as we are if we speak about our feelings and what we are experiencing.
- Nobody understands the pain that you are going through.
- We don’t know how to resolve what is present for us, so we avoid it.
When we suppress our emotions, we are in low vibration of energy. I am sure you have experienced entering a room, and you could sense that something was off but wasn’t sure what had happened. That is energy! See, everything is energy, and we feed off that energy. It is challenging to be positive, expand our perspective, and allow emotions to teach us something when we are in low vibration. Emotions are the internal warning bells that teach us something and make us aware of something.
Which emotion is showing up for you, and how can you give that a little more time and compassion to teach you the lesson or message it wants you to know? This higher awareness and knowledge will give you more power to work through that emotion. We all have a choice - let’s start acknowledging emotions instead of suppressing them.
Embrace yourself fully! If you want to learn more about how not to suppress emotions and not allow them to overpower you, I invite you to join my upcoming Emotion Cleaning Webinar. During this live webinar, I will take you through strategies for preventing suppressed emotions and even review how to release current suppressed emotions. This will be a judgemental FREE zone as we all have suppressed emotions. We can all learn to nurture our emotional well-being!
When we are emotionally balanced, we develop our perspective on life; we begin to create something much bigger and aligned with who we are. Let’s take back the sense of self, the sense of love and light, and your uniqueness! You deserve that love and light from within YOU!
Keep mastering your self-image so that your unique light can outshine the world!
With love and gratitude!
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